The scetched analysis has, in my view, at least two pitfalls.
1) Deflation sceanario
2) Effectiveness of monetary policy
@ 1) I cannot see that there is a real danger of deflation. Negative economic growth might be on the agenda the next quarters across the globe. However, unlike during the Great Depression, real money growth is still robust. The reverse was true at the beginning of the 30s, where the gold standard pushed monetary authorities to high and volatile interest rates which triggered a decline in real money growth. There are no signs indicating to such an event. In Europe, to put it exaggeratedly, higher wage demand would also support a non-deflationary environment (but a negative impact on industrial production).
@ 2) Monetary policy might not work through the transmission mechaism effectively. The two figures illustrate this point. Both, US Treasury rates and the feds funds rate declined rapidly over the last months due to recession risks. However, we see that U.S. coporate bond rates hiked dramatically over the same period. This might be the results of increasing default risk and signs of a credit crunch. The decoupling might force the FED to re-think its operations. Interest rate reductions might not prevent the financing of medium-sized companies to collaps. Consequently, if the aim is to (re)-act potent, the FED should conduct open-market operations directly in the corporate bond sector, i.e. buying commercial papers.